
Mercy Sparx Omnibus 1 and 2 Hardcover w/ NFT Upgrade

Created by Mercy Sparx

Every issue ever featuring Heaven's secret bounty hunter! Hunting rogue angels, Mercy hides among us, doing Heaven's dirty work.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Hour! Join Josh Blaylock Hanging Out on Clubhouse
about 3 years ago – Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 04:34:37 AM

The last few hours of the campaign today have been bananas! In the best way. Thank you very much for the support.

As we celebrate the closing day, feel free to join Josh Blaylock, talk Mercy and comics, and grab a beverage while we count down the hour. 

Search for room: Final Hour! Mercy Sparx Kickstarter with NFT Upgrade hangout" 

And find Josh at @joshblaylock

This is a new app to us, so who will be there? Three people? FOUR?! Either way, good times. 

$30k NFT Stretch Goal UNLOCKED! 48 Hours Left To Pledge!
about 3 years ago – Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 11:46:49 PM

Damn, okay. We see you. Because of you amazing Mercy Sparx fans, we blew through our $30k stretch goal this week. Hell, yeah!

Now, every backer that pledged for a physical reward will be able to claim a Mercy Sparx NFT. The NFT will be an animated GIF of the Mercy Sparx Hardcover cover art that shows artist Matt Merhoff's painting process.

If you're not familiar with NFTs, don't worry, we'll help you find the info you need to claim it. You'll just need an app called "Metamask" or a similar type of cryptocurrency wallet to accept them. Once you have them, they'll be yours permanently to keep or to sell. We'll post a step-by-step update for backers only when we're ready to distribute the NFT.

48 hours left to go...

Alright, let's make this count. If you know any fellow Mercy Sparx fans that have been waiting until the last second to pledge, don't let them forget. Tweet, post, and share before funding closes on Kickstarter!

We know we sound like a broken record over here, but we cannot thank you guys enough for supporting Mercy Sparx!

-Team Mercy

Over 50% Funded on Day 1! Thank You So Much!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 06:16:04 AM

Announcing NFTs as Add-Ons and a Stretch Goal Bonus! Uhhh… what’s an NFT?
about 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 04, 2021 at 03:42:22 PM

First thing's first: Thank you everyone who has pledged for the Mercy Sparx Omnibus Hardcover so far! We have 18 days to go and we're getting closer to our goal all thanks to you!

Okay, what the heck is an NFT?

You've most likely heard of the latest craze sweeping the cyber nation, but if you haven't you will soon, called NFTs! (non-fungible tokens, A.K.A. "Nifties"). These are scarce digital items that can be "minted" to limited quantities, just like a rare art print.

We will be offering 2 NFTs as add-ons to your pledge: The Silver Halo and The Gold Halo.

Preview Art Only. Final NFT may vary and have additional FX.
Preview Art Only. Final NFT may vary and have additional FX.

The Silver Halo is limited to 144 in total and The Gold Halo is limited to 22.

NFTs are available to new backers if the backer is pledging at the $85 megOMNIBUS Combo level or higher.

If you are a returning Mercy Sparx Kickstarter backer AND have supported us in the past with over $100 in pledges, the NFT add-on is available to you at any pledge level that includes a physical reward.

All NFTs will be minted and issued in numerical order based on the order in which they are sold (i.e. first backer gets 1 of 22, second gets 2 of 22, etc.).

If funding hits $30,000, we're GIVING every Mercy Sparx Omnibus physical backer the opportunity to claim a rare NFT. NFT to be revealed at a later date 😈

If you're not familiar with NFTs, don't worry, we'll help you find the info you need to claim it. You'll just need an app called "Metamask" or a similar type of cryptocurrency wallet to accept them. Once you have your NFT, they'll be yours permanently to keep or to sell.